48-037 Ki-21-I Ko/Otsu “Sally”
This decal sheet includes 5 camouflage schmes:
48-036 Sharkmouth Unit
P-40 Warhawks of the 51st FG over CBI This decal sheet inculdes 5 camouflage schemes:
48-035 Black Checker Tail Squadron
P-47D of the 346th FS, 350th FG, 12th AF over Italy This decal sheet includes 4 camouflage schmes:
48-034 Tainan Kokutai
A6M2 “Zero” of the Tainan Kokutai This decal sheet includes 8 camouflage schemes:
72-111 1936: Britain Highest!
British high altitude research aircraft Bristol 138A This decal sheet includes 1 camouflage scheme:
72-110 Sharkmouth Unit
P-40 Warhawks of the 51st FG over CBI This decal sheet includes 6 camouflage schemes:
72-108 E13A “Jake”
This decal sheet includes 6 camouflage schemes:
72-104 Black Checker Tail Squadron
P-47D of the 346th FS, 350th FG, 12th AF over Italy This decal sheet includes 6 camouflage schemes:
72-102 Tainan Kokutai
A6M2 “Zero” of the Tainan Kokutai This decal sheet includes 17 camouflage schemes:
72-109 Ki-21-I Ko “Sally”
This decal sheet includes 7 camouflage schemes: